About Us
Established in 1998, Healing Hands North Shore Massage Therapy Auckland have been providing professional, quality & caring massage services for over 18 years. We specialise in sports massage, having worked with Olympic Athletes to first time marathon runners and all have their individual massage needs. We offer a variety of treatments including relaxation massage, deep tissue massage, lymphatic drainage and couples massage.
We transform the body, whilst relaxing the mind and restoring the soul. Therapeutic Massage releases aches and pains in muscles whilst promoting a sense of relaxation and wellbeing. “Pain relief and relaxation” by professional qualified therapists Sara and Michael will make you feel at ease as soon as you walk in the door. Many techniques are used and the massages are tailor made to suit your needs. We use doTERRA essential oils to enhance your wellness, please see the doTERRA link for further information including our new itovi body scanner to help diagnose oils needed to rebalance the body and let go of pain.

— Sara Maire
Sara Maire, Director and Massage Therapist Mb 021 121 1918
Sara Maire received her Diploma of Therapeutic Massage from The Wellpark College in Grey Lynn, Auckland in February 1998. She followed her passion and set up the business Healing Hands Massage Therapy. Sara has taught Massage courses at Westlake College Community Education, and teaches Introductory to Certificate of Relaxation Massage courses to small groups from the clinic.
Sara specializes in the following areas of treatment:
- Advanced Massage Therapy including deep tissue
- Specific injury treatment
- Reflexology
- Aromatherapy
- Massage Therapy for Pregnancy
- Lymphatic Drainage

— Michael King
Michael King – Massage Therapist – Mb 021 214 8597
Michael King has worked with Healing Hands since 2015. He is a highly skilled and talented Massage Therapist with detailed knowledge of the body and muscle groups to assist you in healing specific ailments,
Michael Specializes in the following areas of treatment:
- Level 6 trained in Massage therapy View here!
- Awarded top student in his year.
- Sports / Deep tissue
- Relax, restore, repair
- Pregnancy massage
He was also on the Wellpark College advisory board to help plan for the future direction of the Remedial Massage Therapy Diploma for students.
His client base consists of various sporting codes and athletes at all ends of the spectrum from weekend warriors to professional, having worked with the Breakers basketball team, and the Fijian netball team. He also has many professional testimonials from doctors or physiotherapists.
As well as offering professional sports and therapeutic massage with a pressure that is perfect for you. He can also provide a relaxing and calming massage that is designed to help calm the body, mind and nervous system. Elements of relaxation are incredibly important for the growth and repair of your body’s own natural healing.